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Contacts: - +39 02 4965 3579 | Milano - Via Paleocapa, 7 | Social: LinkedIn - Facebook

Studio legale Siena, based in Milan, exclusively focuses on providing legal assistance and consultancy to managers, professionals, and companies in all areas of economic and business criminal law. It offers a tailor-made service based on trust, independence, confidentiality, high professionalism, and expertise, always prioritizing the needs of the client.

The firm undertakes criminal defense assignments across the entire national territory, with particular emphasis on matters related to health and safety in the workplace; environment, construction, urban planning, landscape, and cultural heritage; food safety; financial markets, banking, insurance, and brokerage activities; corporate crises and insolvency proceedings; corporate crimes; protection of intellectual and industrial property, trademarks, trade secrets, and commercial know-how; tax and customs crimes; crimes committed by public officials and private individuals against public administration; public tenders and procurement; unauthorized access and damage to IT systems; criminal protection of reputation and honor; professional liability of medical practitioners.

The firm assists companies in the development of organizational and management models for the prevention of crimes pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 and compliance programs, also accepting, through its professionals, assignments as members or chairs of supervisory bodies. It also provides services in drafting delegations, protocols, and company procedures, according to a strategic and integrated approach. Furthermore, it carries out defensive investigations, either preventive or in support of the defense in ongoing criminal proceedings, and internal investigations, also utilizing top-tier technical consultants. More generally, the firm offers consultancy on corporate compliance with regulations and best practices in anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, environmental law, workplace safety, and privacy.

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Avv. Fabio Antonio Siena, Ph.D.

Lawyer registered with the Bar of Milan. Listed in the register of lawyers specializing in Criminal Law of the National Bar Council (CNF).

He holds a law degree magna cum laude and a PhD in Legal Sciences, with a specialization in Criminal Law.

After many years of professional collaboration in a renowned Milanese criminal law boutique, he founded the Studio Legale Siena.

He has defended executives, auditors, and managers of major multinational and national groups in the most significant proceedings in the field of business criminal law.

He has overseen the drafting of organizational models, procedures, and protocols for crime prevention for both public and private companies, with particular attention to health and safety at work, environmental issues, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and data protection and security.

He has provided consultancy in M&A and other extraordinary corporate operations, with regard to criminal due diligence and anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and HSE compliance.

He holds a university teaching position as lecturer in Criminal Law at various Italian universities for undergraduate and postgraduate courses, regularly participates in conferences and specialist seminars, and is the author of numerous scientific publications in criminal law in both Italian and international journals.

He has participated as a post-doctoral researcher in the scientific team of university research projects funded by the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Justice.

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Areas of Activity

White-Collar Crimes

Corporate, Financial, Tax, and Bankruptcy Crimes

SLS provides assistance to directors, executives, auditors in public and private companies, defending them in cases concerning the classic issues of business and economic criminal law, particularly:

- Corporate crimes under the Civil Code (false corporate communications, private corruption, financial infidelity, and others);

- Tax crimes pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 74/2000, both in relation to contested fraudulent or inaccurate tax and social security declarations, and to non-payment of VAT, social security, and tax contributions;

- Crimes related to corporate crises and insolvency (fraudulent and simple bankruptcy, corporate crime-related bankruptcy, and fraudulent operations);

- Criminal offenses related to credit, insurance, and financial brokerage activities, such as insider trading, market manipulation, obstacles to the supervisory functions of Consob, Bank of Italy, IVASS, AGCM, and falsification of financial statements.

Workplace Safety and Environmental Crimes

The firm defends employers, environmental managers, plant managers, legal representatives, and delegates in criminal proceedings related to the alleged violation of workplace health and safety regulations (in major industrial sectors and construction sites) and environmental protection laws. This is backed by extensive experience in assisting with workplace accidents and occupational diseases, cases of environmental pollution, waste trafficking, as well as contraventions of criminal law enforced by public supervisory authorities (ATS, ARPA, NAS, NOE, etc.).

The firm also provides assistance during compliance with technical prescriptions issued by supervisory authorities and in the voluntary adjustment to identified violations, aiming for the continuous improvement of the company's HSE standards.

Criminal Law Protection of Trademarks, Patents, and Industrial and Commercial Secrets
SLS offers consultancy and legal assistance to companies for the criminal law protection of trademarks and distinctive signs, inventions and creative works, patents, industrial and commercial trade secrets, copyrights on literary, musical, artistic works, and other intellectual property rights, both in the reporting of criminal offenses and in subsequent stages of the criminal procedure.

The firm handles both defensive investigations (also using specially appointed technical consultants) and, following the initiation of criminal actions against identified responsible parties, the civil party constitution in criminal proceedings to seek compensation for damages, as well as the seizure, confiscation, and destruction of counterfeit goods manufactured, imported, or marketed in Italy, or of data and information illegally obtained.

Corporate Criminal Responsibility and Compliance Programs

Organizational and Management Models
The firm assists public and private companies and entities in the preparation and updating of organizational models for crime prevention in compliance with Legislative Decree No. 231/2001, following an integrated approach with corporate management and control systems in accordance with the main UNI ISO standards (quality, environment, health and safety at work, food safety, anti-corruption, EMS), with particular focus on best practices and the highest national and European standards.
The firm also handles, when necessary, the drafting of company protocols and procedures, including those required for compliance with legal obligations concerning so-called whistleblowing, as well as the appointment of supervisory bodies.

The firm further assists companies in the preparation of an appropriate framework of delegations, tailored to the specific characteristics and sector of activity, with the aim of delineating duties, powers, and responsibilities in relation to alleged criminal offenses committed in the course of business activities.

Internal Investigations and Defensive Inquiries
SLS, in adherence to the most recognized practices in the field, supports companies in conducting internal investigations, also utilizing highly professional technical consultants. These investigations may serve as support for ordinary internal auditing activities connected to corporate management and control systems, or for defensive inquiries necessary in emergency or crisis situations, such as preventive defensive investigations in relation to potential criminal offenses or whistleblowing reports, as well as defensive investigations connected to ongoing criminal proceedings.

Compliance and Corporate Procedures
SLS, also leveraging specialized technical consultants in relevant fields, provides consultancy to public and private companies in the development and implementation of the best corporate strategies for compl
iance with industry-specific regulations aimed at preventing criminal offenses and reducing criminal risk. This includes particular focus on the following areas:

- Health and safety in the workplace and the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases;

- Environmental protection, landscape preservation, and land management;

- Food safety;

- Anti-corruption, transparency, and the prevention of conflicts of interest, fraud, and illegality in relations with public administration and in public procurement and tendering processes;

- Protection and security of personal data.